Sunday, December 30, 2012

Flashback...Project Purrrfect Portrait

Wow!  It certainly has been a long time since my last post in April.  The year is quickly coming to a close, and before that happens, I'd like to share some of my favorite images from one of this year's most meaningful shoots...Project Purrrfect Portrait.  2012 was the second year of this project's existence, and I can't tell you what it has meant to be able to partner with the Central Brevard Humane Society, and spread awareness about our shelter animals in search of their forever home.

© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction or downloading of any of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

I am a cat person.  I have two of my own, Sandi and Chuey.  So when asked how on Earth I was able to get these cats to sit, lay, or even apparently pose for their portrait, this answer was simple...patience.  Cats, by nature, are inquisitive animals...always needing to check out their surroundings before deciding that they are comfortable.  Now, imagine a cat who has been stuck in a kennel, in a room full of cats, for who knows how long, and you can bet that cat is going to take some time to warm up to you!

I was fortunate enough to be able to take each cat out of their shelter environment, and into a quiet room in another building, free from the hustle and bustle of the from the barking and howling of the many dogs who resided just outside the cat room.  Once on the quiet set, I knew exactly what to expect, and it was the same for each cat.  Skulking out of the cat carrier, each feline timidly sniffed every inch of the room, as I just laid on the floor, allowing them to acclimate. Typically within 10 minutes, they then realized there was a human in the room who just wanted to love on them (that would be me), and it became a snuggle fest good enough for anyone to fall in love!  After time!  And finally...plop...a tired and totally relaxed, click, click!

I photographed so many animals this summer, and each one created a special memory for me.  It was so hard to not bring every one of them home with me!  There are so many wonderful things about this project, but by far, the best is hearing the news that one of these beautiful felines has been adopted!  I am blessed to be part of it!  Looking forward to Summer 2013, when I return for year three!  Happy New Year to all!


© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction or downloading of any of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Heeeere's Dexter!

The last few weeks have been filled with some family photo shoots and a much needed vacation, but I managed to squeeze in a fantastically fun photo shoot with Dexter, the Labradoodle.  Dexter is still a puppy, though a big one, and he sure knows it!  It always amazes me at how tough it can be to keep up the a big puppy with so much energy.  

It's a good thing I'm a distance runner, because I needed all the stamina I could get to follow this guy around.  Up and down, down and times I felt disoriented, but it was oh, so much fun!  This was one of those shoots where I laughed until I had a belly ache, because of the pup's wild and crazy antics.  From running away from his handler to not following commands to running over me, full steam, as I lay on the ground with the camera, this guy was a riot!

I did capture some tender moments with this fluffy pooch.  He's just
the kind of guy you could snuggle all day long...that is, when he is still!

© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction or downloading of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Good Life...From Annie's Perspective

Meet Annie.  She's a fluffy, oh so fluffy girl, who, in her mind, rules the roost.  Her humans might say the same.  She talks as if she thinks you understand her.  Her meows have many different inflections, which, of course, all mean something...I'm hungry, I'm happy, you're bothering me...the list goes on and on.  Annie has a rather serious thyroid condition, which requires her to take medication twice daily, but that doesn't keep her from enjoying life.

Annie enjoys the best of both worlds...indoor and out, though I must note that her outdoor experiences are limited to a large screened-in patio.  She spends the majority of her day outside on the patio (accessed by a very nice cat door), lying in her favorite chair, listening to the water splash from a passing dolphin in the canal, the breaths of air taken by the manatees, and the calls of great blue herons and osprey flying overhead.  How can you deny it?  Simply put, Annie lives the good life!


© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction or downloading of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cats DO Have Nine Lives...Meet Stripey

We've all heard it before...cats have nine lives.  Seriously?  Well, this girl is proving the old adage to be true.  Meet Stripey.  Stripey is a beautiful, long-haired girl, whom I had the pleasure of photographing.  Stripey's humans absolutely adore her, but make no mistake about it...she is happier being an outside cat.  In fact, Stripey, for some strange reason, it happiest laying in the middle of the street.  Unfortunately, Stripey's grey coat blends her right into the pavement, so she has had her run-ins with a few speeding cars.  Not to worry though, she's always toughed it out.  This is Stripey's street, and she's not going to go down without a fight!

In keeping with my belief that animals should be photographed in their own comfort zone, I found myself crouched down and laying on the pavement to capture Stripey at her the middle of the street!  Talk about challenging.  It was hard for me to maintain my focus...always looking behind me to make sure a car wasn't barreling down on me.  She, of course, was totally at ease, which made for some beautiful images.  Here are just a few from the shoot.  Enjoy!


© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction or downloading of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mardi Paws 2012

This past Sunday started out just right...out the door at 6:15 a.m. for an eleven mile run; temperature the 60's and the sky was overcast...though I do have to say it was a bit on the windy side.  The frontal boundary was just north of us, threatening the start of the Daytona 500.  We would luck out.  And thank goodness, because today was Mardi Gras Paws in the Park in Cocoa Village, or as I like to call it, Mardi Paws!  Mardi Paws benefits the Central Brevard Humane Society...such a great cause.

After my run, I zipped home to have breakfast, throw a load of laundry in to wash, take a shower, and then head back out again, to hit the park, in search of some really cute dogs.  Boy, did I find them!  This event has certainly grown in the six years since it began.  There were so many different breeds of dogs...great danes, bernease mountain dogs, pugs, chihuahuas, doberman pinschers, poodles, boston terriers, you name it, it was there!

I had so much fun with these pups and their people!  That cute little pooch in the image above was such a riot.  Every time she noticed the camera was pointing in her direction, she made a beeline for funny to watch that through the lens!  There were certainly some interesting get-ups too!  From boas, to tutus, to body glitter, well, I guess fur glitter, these dogs were dressed to the nines!

Check out some of the sweetness I got to capture throughout the day.

Just like the day started, it ended...perfect!  LOVE days like this!

© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction of any of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Very Short, But Fun Afternoon With Sophie

A quick drop by Sophie's house, this afternoon, made for a fun 20 minutes and a great photo op!

Pets...Good For Your Health!

My little man, Chuey

Last night, I began writing this entry, with the goal in mind to keep it short and post it before going to bed.  Well, I got tired (probably because I didn't keep it short - oh well), and that did not happen.  Everything happens for a reason, though, right?  Interestingly enough, I woke up to this article on Yahoo Shine:  Cat Saves Owner's Life Hours After Adoption,  Amazing!  My family, too, has it's own story of how our cat played an important role in possibly saving my husband's life four years ago.  As I sit here, trying to finish this entry, I'm enjoying watching our two cats long for affection from my on the floor doing figure eights between his ankles, and the other standing on his lap, ever so gently pawing at his face, saying "hey, pet me".  Pet's are good for your heath!

...but, let's get back to the initial part of the post.

I will never forget the Friday I came home from work, in April 2007, to find that something was just not right with my beloved cat of 13 years, Stinky.  Her gait was off...a little wobbly.  So subtle, my husband didn't even notice at first, but I did...immediately.  By Monday, things had worsened.  Her "wobbles" were now definitely apparent, and this definitely warranted a trip to the vet.  The Dr. gave her a shot of cortisone in her hind quarters, but I could tell he was really concerned.  If there was going to be a change for the good, it would happen within 24 did not.  Within a week, she was gone.

Stinky had developed feline cardiomyopathy, otherwise know as heart disease.  Her condition caused blood clots to form in the arteries, cutting off the blood supply to her hind legs, eventually leaving no feeling in the limbs, and leaving poor Stinky unable to even stand.  It was mind boggling how quickly it all happened.  In thirteen years, Stinky had never had to go to the vet, other than for her kitten boosters...and now this.  I was devastated, but little did I know, a little ray of sunshine was about to make most of the pain go away.

My husband, though hesitant, called me at work the day after Stinky had found peace, to tell me that he had just left the Humane Society.  He knew I probably wasn't ready, but wanted to assure me that when I was, there was a precious little 6 month old kitten waiting for me.  Nothing could replace Stinky, but something told me to go see that little kitten that day.  I did, and that day was the beginning of a new friendship.  I adopted Sandi, and Sandi found her forever home.

Sandi helped me get through the tremendous sadness I felt after the loss of my first pet.  My husband always talks about how Sandi did not leave his side for three hours when he couldn't get up (only to find himself in the ICU later that day).  She kept him in touch with reality that day.  Sandi curls up next to me every night, and lets me pet her for hours...definitely gives me a calm feeling.  Sandi's adopted brother, Chuey, plays!  Chuey leaps up and latches onto my thigh the first time I walk past him every morning...cracks me up!  Chuey and Sandi get compliments on how beautiful of cats they proud!  Need I say more?  Pets are good for your health!

Owning a pet can have significant health benefits, both mentally and physically, according to a recent study published by the Cleveland Clinic, and posted by, .  Pets can help lower blood pressure and serve a role of important companion in those who are single, widowed, or lonely.  The large study proved that the benefits can also be long-term.  Cuddling your cat...playing fetch with your dog...nuzzling your nose to your bunny's...pets make us feel good, and those "good" feelings radiate through our bodies.  Think about it.  Pet's give us unconditional love, and unconditional love is indefinite.

© 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Reproduction of these images is prohibited without written consent from Karen Rodriguez Photography.

Along with our personal pets, animals also play an unquestionably important role in Animal Assisted Therapy and as Companion pets.  I'll be doing a shoot in March of a companion dog in training...can't wait to capture  those images and write that piece!  According to Medical News Today, 2004, , studies have revealed that pet therapy has the following benefits: increase social interaction between patients in long-term and psychiatric care, provides for physical and recreational therapy for nursing home patients who are usually withdrawn, help with frustration in dementia patients, help combat loneliness and depression in HIV/AIDS patients...the benefits reach far and wide!

With so many health benefits, as well as all of the fantastically fun memories we make with out pets, it's no wonder that those who have pets are well rounded, happy people!  I always encourage people to adopt their pets from their local shelters, but no matter where your pet comes from, you can rest assured that it will  make that positive impact on your overall quality of life!  So give that pet of yours an extra little squeeze today.  Let them know you love them and appreciate all the good they do for you!
